Looking Back: March 2022

March has been a turbulent season. The letter I wrote to Gus ("On Moving") illustrates this.

On Moving
A letter to Gus in which we talk about moving and even get into a little Buddhist philosophy

All transitions bring with them some level of turbulence. While this transition out of my current job has led to all kinds of  uncertainty (and anxiety!), I am in this place where I do believe it will work out for the best. Opportunities are on the horizon.

Aren't they? :)

it's not working yet

I took a break from (re:)write this month, but I hope to be back soon. In the meantime, I keep churning out workables. I do hope these are helpful!

Workable #14: What Counts as “Practice”?
You set aside the time each day. What does it look like to practice your art?
Workable #15: Committing to the Practice - Start Small
The greatest barrier to committing to your practice as an artist is trying to do too much too soon. Instead, start small.
Workable #16: Use process goals to keep you going.
When your practice is oriented around the process, then you’re controlling the controllable.
Workable #17: Measure What Matters
Every minute practicing your art is a minute you spent getting better.


ROOTED Newsletter: March 2022
Thoughts on Critical Race Theory (CRT), responsibility & culpability, and a mess of links. The latest ROOTED newsletter is here.
Avoid Busy-ness
Activities that are meaningful don’t keep us busy. They require time. Deep teaching asks us to value quality over quantity, to understand that less is more.

This post was also picked up by Intrepid Ed News:

Avoid Busy-ness To Do Meaningful Work | Stephen Hebert - Intrepid ED News
Well, I kept us all busy. Keeping students busy means keeping me busy. Busy-ness feels like productivity, but it’s really not. Busy-ness fools me

the unruly buddha

Taking the One Seat
The universe never promised us control, but the one seat lets us take stock of what we have.
Counting Breaths to Calm the Mind and Train the Attention in Moments of Anxiousness
Counting my breaths grounds me and helps me get off the thought-train when I’m lying awake at night.

what's next?

I've found it difficult to really concentrate on my craft. This is always the case, I suppose, for someone who is looking for ways to make ends meet. Thus, I have not been able to produce anything for (re:)write over at inwy.

This too shall pass, I'm sure.

Photo by Maryna Yazbeck / Unsplash