Looking Back: February 2022
February may be the shortest month of the year, but I had plenty going on. Here's what I wrote in February 2022.
February came in like a lion, didn't it? It is not going out like a lamb; I can assure you of that. We've got some changes coming, some news on the horizon, but for now you'll have to content yourself with these links to the pieces I wrote this past month.
it's not working yet

the unruly buddha
what's next?
As I write this, Ukraine is in turmoil. "(Re:)write #7: When Things Fall Apart" addresses that. I've been following the news, hour-by-hour. I can't help but think that this is a turning point in history, one of those monumental moments we'll understand only in hindsight.
I ask that you join me in praying, meditating, holding a silent moment of respect, of metta (lovingkindness), for those most deeply impacted by the actions of Vladmir Putin and his enablers. My heart is with the Ukrainian people. I cannot imagine their suffering...